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  • 13 Feb 2025 9:29 AM | Anonymous

    The Public Health Association Australia Health Promotion Special Interest Group (PHAA HP SIG) is once again offering a fantastic opportunity to recognise achievements in health promotion.  In 2025, they are proud to offer a travel scholarship and several awards to honor outstanding contributions in research and practice.

    The scholarship is for the PHAA HP SIG Travel Award, which will provide support to attend the PHAA Preventive Health Conference in 2025.  You can read about the experience of last year's awardee here.

    Awards available are:

    Australian Public Health Conference Travel Awardmade to  outstanding PHAA members who have made significant contributions to the advancement of health promotion at national, state or community levels.
    The Early Career Award (Practice): one award to an outstanding PHAA member who has contributed significantly to the advancement of health promotion practice and who is in the first 10 years of their career (or has been involved in health promotion for more than 10 years but has completed a PhD within the last 5 years).
    The Early Career Award (Research)one award to an outstanding PHAA member who has contributed significantly to the advancement of health promotion research and who is in the first 10 years of their career (or has been involved in health promotion for more than 10 years but has completed a PhD within the last 5 years).
    The Individual Award for Service (Practice)one award to an outstanding PHAA member who has contributed significantly to the advancement of health promotion practice over a long period of time (minimum 10 years).
    The Individual Award for Service (Research)one award to an outstanding PHAA member who has contributed significantly to the advancement of health promotion research over a long period of time (minimum 10 years).

      Nominees for each award must provide a:

      • Completed nomination form (linked below) 
      • A brief Curriculum Vitae
      • One nominator’s report (500 words maximum)

      The closing date for award applications has been extended to 21 February 2025. Winners will then be announced by late March. For more information please refer to the guidelines provided in the nomination forms.

      250205 - HP SIG - Conference Travel Award 2025.pdf

      250205 - HP SIG - Award for Service (Research) Award 2025.pdf

      250205 - HP SIG - Award for Service (Practice) Award 2025.pdf

      250205 - HP SIG - Early Career (Practice) Award 2025.pdf

      Source: PHAA email 6 February 2025

    • 17 Dec 2024 11:14 AM | Anonymous


      Members of the Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists’ Association Ltd (ADOHTA) and Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Limited (DHAA) overwhelmingly supported and passed the special resolution to establish a new peak professional association to represent and support Oral Health Practitioners (OHPs), including Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists and Oral Health Therapists, in Australia.

      The new association will be called Oral Health Association of Australia Ltd (OHAA).  It is anticipated that the OHAA will take over full operation from ADOHTA and DHAA on 1 July 2025.  It will offer streamlined and fit-for-purpose services, high-quality CPD, and significantly enhanced representation for OHPs in Australia.

      More importantly, the OHAA unifies OHPs under one umbrella and strengthens the profession's capacity to support excellence in innovative models of care that improve oral health in the community. The new OHAA leadership combines the talents of two highly regarded peak bodies, now better equipped to drive meaningful change. This change will focus on addressing the longstanding neglect of oral health needs in the community. Through coordinated efforts in advocacy, workforce training, and public education, the OHAA is well-positioned to make a lasting impact to improve the oral health outcomes of all Australians.

      The ADOHTA and DHAA would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our fellow board directors, the project team Towards One Professional Association (TOPA) Working Group, external stakeholders and the many members of both associations who provided their advice and support over the past five years leading to this momentous milestone for the profession.


      Media Contact: 

      ADOHTA: Michell Weekes  M: 0409 210 104

      DHAA:  Bill Suen M: 0412 831 669

      Access the PDF of this Media Release here.

    • 5 Dec 2024 2:06 PM | Anonymous

      The International Federation of Dental Hygienists (IFDH) is currently seeking responses for their tenth global survey (sponsored by Oral-B) "Prevention: What's Best for the Patient?" to assist their understanding of global practices and beliefs around preventive care. 

      As with previous surveys, no personal information is collected and a summary of the findings will be published on the IFDH website. 

      Complete the survey by Friday 13 December 2024.


    • 3 Dec 2024 10:33 AM | Anonymous

      The International Association for Disability & Oral Health (iADH) are calling for for interest of the positions for the member of International Advisory Committee (IAC) and Educational Committee (EC) of iADH in 2024-2026. 

      The iADH are looking for motivated candidates who can support the association on its mission and vision and implementing the strategic plan. Applicants must be a paid‐up member and have held iADH membership for the past three (3) consecutive years.

      IAC Position & Application Information

      EC Position & Application Information

      View the information above and send applications to: by Monday 16 December 2024.

    • 3 Dec 2024 8:45 AM | Anonymous

      The Victorian Oral Health Alliance (VOHA) recently sent the Pre-Budget Submission 2025-2026 to the Federal Minister for Health and Treasurer. 

      VOHA represents a membership of key oral health professionals, consumer and community health organisations that provide public oral health care. 

      "The central focus of VOHA's 2025-26 Victorian Pre-Budget Submission is to urgently address and reduce the unacceptably high rates of preventable hospital admissions for oral health conditions in Victoria. Immediate government action is essential, as Victorians—especially younger children, the elderly, and rural communities—continue to endure debilitating dental conditions that could have been otherwise prevented.

      For decades, funding for Victoria’s public dental system and early intervention initiatives has been neglected, leading to a state of decay in which the population's oral health continues to deteriorate.¹ For too long, oral health has been viewed in isolation from the rest of the body, resulting in gaps in policy and funding that further contribute to these issues This submission outlines a series of evidence-based interventions, diverse in scope, timeframe, and budget, that will not only reduce preventable hospitalisations but also improve the overall oral health of those vulnerable Victorians above.

      Each of our proposals has been specifically designed to align with two significant government policies.

      1. Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)’s Early Intervention Investment Framework².

      2.Victorian Action Plan to Prevent Oral Disease³."

      Read the VOHA Pre-Budget Submission 2025-2026.

    • 3 Dec 2024 8:29 AM | Anonymous

      The Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer invites you to share your experience with recruiting allied health professionals in the ACT during  2024 to inform the National Occupation Shortage List (previously known as the National Skills Priority List).

      Jobs and Skills Australia conduct this research and publish the results each year. 

      To participate click on this link to register your interest, then you will be sent a personalised survey link to complete.

      Helpful Information

      • The survey will take around 5-10 minutes and will ask you for the number of vacancies advertised, the number of vacancies filled, your opinion on skill supply, demand, recruitment challenges and any evidence to support your experience if available.
      • You will also be required to include your contact details.
      • You will need to complete a separate survey for each profession you want to comment on.

      The survey is open until COB 7 March 2025Thank you in advance for sharing your expert opinion.

      Stay up to date with the latest clinical news via the Clinical Leadership Newsletter here.

      Source: Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer email 18 November 2024.

    • 21 Nov 2024 9:04 AM | Anonymous

      Commissioned by the Australian Government, the independent Scope of Practice Review Final Report "Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce" was released on 5 November 2024. 

      The Review was led by Professor Mark Cormack, supported by the University of Queensland and an Expert Advisory Committee that included patients, health experts and representatives from peak professional bodies, including ADOHTA.

      The Final Report includes 18 recommendations across four key reform areas: 

      1. Theme A - Workforce design, development, education and planning
      2. Theme B - Legislation and regulation
      3. Theme C - Funding and payment policy
      4. Theme D - Enablers and other key considerations

      We were pleased to contribute feedback during the Review process with the Final Report containing a direct quote from ADOHTA:

      The Minister for Health and Aged Care The Hon Mark Butler MP said:

      "This review validates the frustrations of so many of our incredible health professionals: the health system does not enable and support them to consistently deliver the care that is within their skills, training and experience.

      This is not a case of a single profession missing out. The review tells us that virtually all health professions are held back by restrictions and barriers that are unrelated to their skills, training and experience."

      You can learn more about the Review, Final Report and Media Release here:





      • Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce, Scope of Practice Review - Final Report, October 2024.
      • The Hon Mark Butler MP Minister for Health and Aged Care Media Release 5 November 2024.
      • Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) Healthcare in Brief 8 November 2024.
    • 6 Nov 2024 12:14 PM | Anonymous

      Ahead of World Diabetes Day join NACCHO & Diabetes Australia for the third Eye Health 2024 Webinar Series: Eye Health and Diabetes.

      Wednesday 13 November 2024 - 1-2pm AEDT

      NACCHO Australia Instagram post.

      Visit the NACCHO portal to find out more.

      Source: IAHA e-News 5 November 2024

    • 6 Nov 2024 12:07 PM | Anonymous

      Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) reports there are calls for a food price cap in remote communities after:

      "A consumer advocacy group has found high-priced groceries in First Nations communities across Australia is contributing to food insecurity.

      The report found across all Australian capital cities the price of the nine essential items averaged $44.70, while in remote communities it was more than double."

      Read more here. 

      Source: IAHA e-News 5/11/24

    • 6 Nov 2024 11:26 AM | Anonymous

      Recent reports have noted an increase in the presentations of scurvy. The cost-of-living crisis and rise in bariatric surgeries are thought to be contributing to this risk. Scurvy can present orally, most commonly as generalised severe erythematous gingivitis which is painful and bleeds heavily upon touch or sometimes spontaneously.

      It is important as oral health practitioners we manage our patients holistically and refer to a general practitioner if there are suspected systemic issues.

      From the AHHA Healthcare in Brief 25/10/24:

      "A recent case of scurvy, a once-rare disease historically linked to sailors' lack of fresh fruits and vegetables on long sea voyages, has been identified in Western Australia.

      Some medical professionals are describing it as a ‘re-emerging diagnosis’ due to the current rise in living costs and the increasing number of bariatric surgeries."

      Read more:

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